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AerospaceĀ and defence remain key CSIR focus areas

defenceWebGuy Martin -6th Dec 2022 CSIR Chief Executive Officer Dr Thulani Dlamini. The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) plays a significant role in developing the South African aerospace and defence industry, and in addition to carrying out...

Project increases company competitiveness

16TH SEPTEMBER 2022 ENGINEERING NEWSBY: CAMERON MACKAY, JOURNALIST PROJECT TEAM Dr Vernon Davids (CEO), Ms Riddhi Maharaj (Project Manager), Dr Melissa Boonzaaier-Davids (Project Coordinator) A supplier development project conducted by local body the Aerospace...

Solution offers effective ballast water treatment

18TH MARCH 2022 ENGINEERING NEWSBY: NADINE RAMDASS, CREAMER MEDIA REPORTER HYDROTRON SOLUTION The Hydrotron kills organic organisms to allow for the safe discharge of ballast water With ballast water discharge posing significant disruption and potential...