Call Closed: AISI EOI: Identifying Advanced Manufacturing Aerospace Integrators or Sub-Systems Suppliers and SMMEs to participate in the AISI Technology Based Supplier Development Programme

CALL CLOSED CORRECTION PUBLISHED ON PAGE 13andDEADLINE EXTENDED TO 23 JULY 2021 AT 16:00 Aerospace Industry Support Initiative (AISI) Expression of Interest (EoI) Identifying Advanced Manufacturing Aerospace Integrators or Sub-Systems Suppliers and SMMEs to...

Call Closed: AISI Expression Interest (EoI): Identifying Beneficiaries to participate in the AISI Marine Manufacturing, Associated Services and Other Manufacturing Industries Supplier Development Programme – Standards and Accreditations Intervention

CALL CLOSED Expression of Interest (EoI) Identifying Beneficiaries to participate in the AISI Marine Manufacturing, Associated Services and Other Manufacturing Industries Supplier Development Programme – Standards and Accreditations Intervention EoI No: 001/10/07/2020...